About Us

Twenty years ago, with a deep love for traditional craftsmanship and an unwavering commitment to quality, we founded this brand. Back then, our simple wish was to share the beauty of handcrafted work with more people. Through twenty years of persistence and effort, we have grown from a small workshop into a beloved brand, but our original intention has never changed.

Our story began with a dream of pursuing perfection in every detail. From the selection of each piece of wood, to the meticulous crafting process, to the design of every puzzle, each step reflects our respect for craftsmanship and our commitment to quality. In this fast-paced world, we believe that patience and care are the keys to creating something truly timeless.

Over the years, we have not only strived for excellence in our products but have also actively promoted environmental responsibility. We remain committed to using sustainably sourced wood and non-toxic, eco-friendly materials, aiming to bring high-quality products to our customers while doing our part for the planet.

In these twenty years, we have witnessed countless families, friends, and even strangers come together and share joy through our puzzles. Every time we receive a letter of thanks from our customers, seeing the emotion and happiness our products bring them, all our hard work feels worthwhile.

As we look to the future, we will continue to uphold this belief, constantly innovating and moving forward. We hope that, wherever you are, each piece of our puzzles carries warmth and love, accompanying you through moments of joy.

Thank you for choosing us and becoming a part of this heartwarming story.